Book Fabric Decor

This project will be the third and final book project we do, there is so much that can be done with a simple book, which why i decided to do the first three posts on the subject. This project will be a book draped with fabric.

Book Fabric Decor



  1. Book 
  2. Old blouse, shirt or dress.
  3. Glue Gun
  4. String
  5. A fabric tie about a foot long.


book fabric supplies

Step 1 

Glue the string to the back of the book as a hanger. (It works better if you ball up the ends of the string as shown in the picture.)


Step 2 

Take the blouse and slip the book through the neck hole. 


Step 3

Take the bottom part of the blouse and twist it several times making sure the hanger part is not covered up.  Make sure the twist is snug.


Step 4 

 After you are done twisting fabric into a knot , tie a string above the knot so it stays in place . The string will keep the knot in place. 

Step 5 

Hang it up on your wall and be proud. This isn’t a new concept but its an excellent way to create a beautiful wall decor.